
Showing posts from November, 2015

Google Photos

Google Photos is the home for all your photos and videos. Automatically organized and searchable, you can find photos fast and bring them to life. It’s the photo gallery that thinks like you do. VISUAL SEARCH Your photos are now searchable by the people, places and things that appear in them. Looking for that fish taco you ate in Hawaii? Just search “Hawaii”, “food”, or “food in Hawaii” to find it – no tagging required. UNLIMITED FREE HIGH QUALITY STORAGE Automatically backup all your photos and videos. Access them on any device or on the web at Your photos are safe, secure, and private to you. SAVE SPACE ON YOUR DEVICE Google Photos can help you clear safely backed up photos and videos from your device, so you never have to worry about deleting a photo to make space again. Download

Malayalam Keyboard

This is the old version of Easy Malayalam Keyboard. Click on the link below to download the latest Easy Malayalam Keyboard Application. Download

Kerala PSC Updates

An app to provide latest Notifications and rank lists published. Will inform users via push notifications on latest updates. Download

Learn to Speak English

Talk English Standard is the official Free Android App. There are over 900 lessons and 8,000 audio files to help you learn how to speak English fluently. Most lessons contain clickable sentences that you can click to listen to a native English speaker say that sentence. Each lesson page also has a self record tool. You can record your own voice reading that sentence and compare it with the audio file from the native English speaker. If you want to learn how to speak English fluently, this app will help you achieve your goal. Download

Caller Name Announcer

Caller Name Announcer announces the name of the person who is calling your number. Caller Name Announcer speaks every thing while some one is calling you or send you a message, you will identify it with out looking to your smart phone. Download

How to Create Live Wallpaper

Create your live Wallpaper from your own photographs or videos on your mobile phone. You can create your live wallpaper from your own photographs or videos which supported by your device. You can get this application free and enjoy your creativity. Download

Multiling O Keyboard

aka "MultilingO". "OKeyboard" or "OKey" O for Omni Super lightweight (~⅓MB) yet flexible and powerful. - All in one, multilingual ( >200 languages) - Accurate gesture input (swipe) - Save battery power - PC keyboard layout (DIY) - Gesture oriented (super fast to enter special symbols, words or sentences) - Resizable and easy positioning. Fits all screen sizes (phone, phablet, tablet…) Download

Call Blocker

Keep it simple without sacrificing features. Create your own call blacklist with ease. You can block any number from your contacts list, call log or add unwanted numbers manually. Use the logging feature to view your history of blocked or blacklisted calls. Download

Duplicate Contacts

Simple tool to see and delete duplicate contacts. You can see a list of contacts sorted by name or by number and you can select which to delete. The duplicate contacts are automatically selected. The removed contacts are saved on vcf file on sdcard Download

Computer Shortcut Keys

Computer Shortcut Keys app provides the useful keyboard shortcuts in different categories. Shortcut keys improves the performance of the work. Rate this app if you like. This app contains the following categories: 1) Windows basic shortcut keys 2) Microsoft-Word shortcut keys 3) Microsoft-Excel shortcut keys 4) Microsoft-Outlook shortcut keys 5) Microsoft-Power point shortcut keys 6) Microsoft-Access shortcut keys Download

Don't touch my phone

With Alarm Anti-theft app you will not be anymore afraid to let your phone on a table. this Alarm keeps your phone save from curious people and burglars. Once you activate the alarm, no one could touch it, because the alarm will be triggered if any one try to take the phone.                                                                                                                         Download

LastPass Password Manager

LastPass keeps your password and personal information safe. Lock your passwords in a secure vault, autofill web browser and app logins, and generate new, secure passwords. With LastPass, you only remember one password – your LastPass master password. Store logins, create online shopping profiles, generate strong passwords, track personal information in photo & audio notes, and more.   Download

Photo Compress

This app will allow you to compress large photos into smaller sized photos with very less or negligible loss in quality of the image. Now you do not require any desktop or laptop computers with special software for image compression. Apart from compressing photos this app can also resize photos for you.                                                                            Download